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If you have a dog at home, you will surely want to take care of your furry friend from diseases. Vomiting is one of the most common concerns for dog owners. But, you must remain calm, it is common for both dogs and cats to experience these episodes at some time. Although this is a reason to go to the vet, at Gudog we teach you about vomiting in dogs, possible causes and solutions.

By nature, dogs tend to eat as much as they can and without control due to their instinct to face possible periods of scarcity. The lack of control over what they eat can cause more than one headache and require a visit to the veterinarian . In order for you to determine how severe vomiting in dogs is, you need to know the types and causes.

Types of vomiting in dogs

First of all, if you hear your little friend gagging and gagging, you should watch carefully what kind of vomit he expels. And it is that, thanks to the color of vomit in dogs and texture, many things can be determined. To help you take care of your pet’s health, we have compiled the different types of vomiting in dogs. This way you will know if it is something minor or that requires urgent attention.

yellow vomit in dogs

This type of vomiting usually occurs when the dog has not eaten food . Its yellow color is due to the fact that the dog, having nothing in the stomach, has expelled the bile. This vomiting is usually caused by reflux, acid build-up, allergy, food intolerance, or any other substance that can make your furry friend nauseous.

Diarrhea and vomiting in dogs

Sometimes, it is common for diarrhea and vomiting to occur in dogs, this can be caused by eating spoiled food or by other conditions. If that is the case for your pet, it will be necessary to go to the veterinarian to examine it and determine the cause. In general, if your dog is healthy, it is usually a mild cause and is treated with a bland diet. However, if it is something more serious, it will require treatment or surgery.

green vomit in dogs

Has your dog vomited with a green color? Keep calm! The first thing you should do is determine if the liquid vomit is that color or if it only has fragments. Normally, when they ingest herbs that are not digested, dogs usually expel them through vomiting. However, if the vomit in dogs is a green liquid, it may be an infection or poisoning , in this case you should go to the vet urgently .

bloody vomit

Vomiting blood in dogs is a sign of serious concern and can mean internal bleeding. You can determine its severity by checking to see if your pet has a wound on the gum or tongue. However, if the vomit is made up entirely of blood, you should go to the vet urgently. In addition, if vomiting and diarrhea occur in the dog, it may be a disease in the digestive system .

Vomit with white foam

This type of vomiting in dogs usually occurs when the animal is fasting. Therefore, it can be accompanied by bile. The foam is the result of the accumulation of stomach acid. Keep in mind that if the vomiting is very frequent, it could be kidney or liver failure, as well as gastritis.

Causes of vomiting in dogs

Vomiting in dogs can occur for different reasons, caused by internal factors, such as an infection, or external. Regardless of its cause, vomiting causes inflammation or irritation in the intestine or stomach. If you want to prevent your four-legged friend from having to go through these bad times, you should know the most common causes. In this way, you can act quickly and take care of the health of your pet.

Bacterial or viral infection

Sudden change in diet

 food allergy

Eating too fast and too much

 drinking contaminated water

 Intestinal parasites

 motion sickness after traveling by car

 Eating spoiled food


When to go to the vet?

Vomiting in dogs can occur for different reasons, with ignorance of the reason being common. However, if you notice that after vomiting your furry friend eats normally and is not listless , surely it is something temporary. In addition, it is important to take into account the color and texture of the vomit, so we can have a better idea if a visit to the veterinarian is warranted.

In case of continuous vomiting and the presence of other symptoms such as decay, fever or loss of appetite , you should give greater importance. First of all, start by ensuring the best food, whether it is in your own home or if you leave your pet in a dog boarding facility . Withhold food for a day and make sure your pet is well hydrated. If the vomiting still persists, then you should visit the vet as soon as possible.

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