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Water is one of the most crucial resources that is needed for human survival. Since the level of potable water is decreasing with each passing day, we need to take the necessary steps to reduce water wastage. Some industry experts such as Tsur Ben David have already taken steps forward to educate people about water conservation and offer solutions that can cut water wastage in commercial as well as residential settings. To learn more about the same, continue reading this post.

HVAC Systems and Water Consumption

In addition to the obsolete arrangements for water harvesting, we all need to think about new yet better ideas to reduce water consumption. In modern-day buildings, water consumption by electric tools is more than anyone can ever imagine. Among all, HVAC systems are more responsible for consuming more water. Therefore, it is important to take the necessary measures so that it can consume less water without any impact on its efficiency.

Below are some tips or better ways suggested by Tsur Ben David to reduce water consumption in an HVAC system. Take a look:

Choose The Right Type of HVAC Supplies

In some buildings, an HVAC system can consume around 49% of the total water supply. This is undeniably a huge number that should be tracked down by the concerned authorities if they truly want to reduce water consumption and wastage. After this quick examination, they must check the methods that can be followed to maintain the right temperature without the need for more energy. For instance, proper ventilation is an amazing way to reduce the energy load and maintain the right temperature. And when this happens, you will be able to save water. However, it will only be possible if the right HVAC supplies are there at the place.

Reduce Evaporation

A huge amount of water is wasted due to the excessive evaporation process. The cooling towers installed in buildings usually have a high temperature. But this temperature is not that high to kill harmful bacteria. So, the facility or plant managers opt for chemical-based water treatment to reduce bacteria, scaling, and other harmful growths. However, the use of chemicals ultimately affects the system and puts an extra burden on it. As a result, it started consuming more energy and water. Instead, opting for eco-friendly water treatment is a way to go so that the HVAC system can consume less water afterward.

Chiller Plants

‘You may or may not know but water saving is connected with energy saving. So, to save water, it is crucial to take steps so that the consumption of energy can be reduced’ – Tsur Ben David. For this, you should start with the selection of the right chiller size as per the building and its precise needs. If you use an excessively bigger chiller than the building, it will use more energy. In case you pick the smaller size, it will not be worth it at all. After choosing the right chiller, it is good to use windows to have the right temperature in the room and reduce energy consumption. And when less energy is consumed, you will be able to save water.

Final Thoughts

The easiest method to know the ways to save water as well as energy, you should trust someone like CET Enviro by Tsur Ben David. They are already offering solutions that can help you save some water without compromising on anything. Being in this industry, they offer an outstanding range of chillers, cooling towers, and eco-friendly water treatment solutions so that you can become a part of the ‘save water and save nature’ campaign.

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