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Gamification is the process of bringing the competitiveness and structure of gaming to contexts outside of entertainment. Gamification is pretty trendy right now, especially event gamification and smartphones becoming more and more common. By 2018, it is anticipated that the gamification market will generate more than $5500 billion. The rationale behind the growing popularity of gamification techniques is that they encourage active audience participation and learning. How, so? It’s a straightforward query with a complex response. However, we promise that we will explain this to you by the end of this blog. Keep watching to the very end.

The gamification process operates on the basis of rewards. There are certain missions to do in a variety of games, both online and off, such as collecting coins, saving the princess, or destroying candy. A reward is received after these tasks are successfully completed. Well, when a task is completed well, and new things lear like here gamification techniques a person feels pleasure, which causes the production of a chemical called dopamine. Your brain is trying to alert you that something positive is about to occur. A renowned psychologist, claims

Because of this evolutionary benefit, we obsess over unexpected pleasures and attempt to foresee them in order to increase our chances of experiencing them. Gamification operates in this manner. A motivating reward encourages a player to advance through each assignment. This motivator could be a prize, a spot on the leaderboard, or the satisfaction of completing a challenging assignment. That is why we have come up with event gamification examples that can be played in the events to increase engagement and attract more audiences. 

So, let’ begun learning some of the best gamification Ideas. 

Game Corners

A unique gaming area is a fantastic way to draw people in. It serves as a place where participants can unwind during breaks and in their own time. Budget-friendly is a modest gamification area featuring simple games. A decent substitute is to set up video games, board games, foosball, chess, etc.

The potential for sponsor marketing is another bonus. This can be accomplished by artistically displaying sponsor logos. Consider event gamification and promoting club sponsors in more inventive ways. You can also include VR and AR games if you have more money to spare. It is a fantastic addition to a gamification corner and will undoubtedly increase interest in your event.

Games for Networking and Breaking the Ice

Playing games with the participants is a terrific approach to breaking the ice and encouraging networking. But keep in mind that there is a thin border between infantile and enjoyable. Don’t make the attendees feel uncomfortable. They can play easy games that will introduce them to other participants.

The name tag switch and games like “two truths, one lie” are effective. To encourage networking and assign tasks, you might also split the guests into smaller groups. You can encourage participants to participate in activities like trivia or a brief rapid-fire quiz if your event has its own event networking platform.

Enhance Attendee Engagement With Polling Games

Polling is one method of obtaining comments and opinions from attendees. Polling can be done on any issue pertaining to the event, the venue, the attendees’ opinions on the sessions, or the event as a whole. Participants may vote depending on the available options, and the poll’s results can be inferred from the majority opinion.

Polling may be made more enjoyable and appealing. Here’s a thought. You could create voting teams out of your attendees and ask them to participate in your polls. The final winner is the group that received the most votes in the polls. A guessing competition is an additional option. Each team makes a prediction on the poll’s outcome. Whoever makes the most accurate prediction wins.

Another option is to give guests badges based on how many polls they answered. Based on the types of questions asked or the volume of responses, you might categorize your polling into several categories. The participant receives a badge after completing each level. The winner is the participant with the most badges.

Introduction of Event App

A survey found that 86% of event participants ranked an event app among the top three factors for improving their event experience. So why not make the most of it by making your event app gamified? On your event app, provide entertaining and easy-to-play games. You may add enjoyable puzzles or games like connect the dots. If you have more money to spend, you could even make your event app more game-like by including augmented reality.

Some events use a point system to gamify their event app. At certain intervals, organisers distribute codes or hints, which participants frequently gather. Each code is given a specific number of points. At the conclusion of the event, the attendees with the most points win. Therefore, the event organizers stand to gain greatly by gamifying the app. App statistics for smartphones and events. Make use of this to your advantage. Establish leaderboards and advertise via the event networking platform. Play networking games online as well.

Encourage the Q&A Sessions

Attending any event is primarily about learning and expanding one’s knowledge base. Asking questions is one approach to communicating and learning information. Discussions that are insightful and pertinent can be sparked by Q and A, which can be very beneficial to the session’s participants who are in attendance. More attendees could be encouraged by organizers to pose insightful, pertinent questions. How? The simple is to enhance attendee engagement with event gamification

Make it into a contest. You can make a prior announcement inviting attendees to submit questions about the discussion topic and the session. You can choose the medium however works best for you. Social media, event networking platforms, and offline methods are all options.

The participant who asked the most insightful or pertinent question that led to an engaging discussion wins. Additionally, you can ask the audience to vote on the best question. At the conclusion of the event, the participant with the best contribution/input is declared the winner.

Hope you like reading this blog and get some insightful thoughts and ideas for your next event. Thank you for reading. 

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