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Have you ever taken a minute to explore the history of cloud computing? It wasn’t until 1996 that the term came into the market. Yet, as early as the 1960s, J.C.R Lickllider had already started discussions on cloud computing. Licklider was the director of Information Processing Techniques in the Pentagon.

By the 1990s, Microsoft and Google were already racing to take up the cloud market share. Indeed that led to an explosion of several services, including SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS. Nowadays, everything is moving to the cloud.

The uptake has increased in almost every sector. That includes omni-channel cloud contact centers, marketing, finance, government and healthcare. Cloud tech opened up business avenues for small startups from all over the world.

Do take some time to explore the fascinating history of cloud computing. But for this article, we will focus on the role of cloud software in e-commerce businesses.

Understanding the Workings of Cloud Technology

For a long time, we used hard drives to store information. But now, thanks to cloud technology, we can store data on the internet. All the information goes to virtual servers connecting to huge data centers.

Beyond data storage, there is more to cloud computing. Many other services include databases, networks, analytics, and software. Indeed, think of all the computing functions that can happen via the cloud.

Another significant advantage of cloud technology is its ease of accessing information. No more lugging around heavy files, disks or USB drives.

With cloud, you only need internet connectivity, a supported device, and access privileges. That has been a significant boost to remote working conditions.

With that understanding of Cloud technology, let’s explore its role in e-commerce businesses.

  1. Streamlining of Customer Experiences with an Omni-Channel Cloud Contact Centre

Customers and brands interact with eCommerce businesses through various touchpoints. These include websites, social media, email, phone, and SMS.

That has led to the multichannel marketing concept. The challenge for many companies is how to streamline communication across different channels.

Yet this is a critical aspect of the  omni-channel customer service. Integrating the platforms, for example, ensures a smooth flow of communication. And the customer should be able to switch from channel to channel without losing context. 

All that and more is possible with a call center omnichannel solution. But dependence on physical hardware or infrastructure can impact scalability and service provision. That is why forward-looking companies are opting for an omni-channel cloud contact center. 

The network uses cloud-based contact center software to manage customer interactions. The benefits of cloud omni-channel contact centers are many, including:-

  • Savings to the company because they do not need to invest in infrastructure. All you pay for is the hosting services to the third-party service provider.
  • Zero maintenance costs for the company.
  • A cloud call center omni-channel solution allows for scalability. We will discuss this in a little more detail in the next point.
  • Remote working capabilities. The live omni-channel contact center agents do not have to be in the office. Indeed they can work from anywhere.
  • Greater productivity in the omni-channel contact center. Quick access to information makes the teams’ work easier.
  • Quick resolution to customer issues, thus higher customer retention rates, etc.
  1. Ecommerce Scalability with Cloud Technology

Another strong point in favor of cloud technology is scalability. Consider the processes a typical business must go through when it achieves growth. You have to invest in more software, hardware, and infrastructure. That can take a considerable chunk out of the available finances. There is also the extra cost of maintenance of the resources.

Cloud computing allows eCommerce businesses to have a stronger online presence. Indeed it makes it easier for companies to enter new sites or expand their operations. All the eCommerce business owner needs to do is apply for extra resource allocation. The hosting providers will do the needful as per the business needs. The result is massive savings for the business.

Yet the reverse also applies. If there is ever any need to scale down, it is easy. The hosting providers only need to adjust the resource allocation. And it all happens in a matter of minutes or clicks. Thus the extra benefit of time-saving.

Remember, cloud solutions are a pay-as-you-go service. You don’t pay for any software or services you’re not using.

  1. Optimal Performance of the Ecommerce Platform with Cloud Technology

One of the most critical factors in an e-commerce platform is page speed.

  • 50% of online visitors will abandon a site if it takes more than 6 seconds to load.
  • 53% of online customers expect 3 seconds or less in page loading speeds.
  • Slow-loading pages are a cause of dissatisfaction for 21% of online customers.

Cloud hosting providers ensure high speeds thus, optimal performance. Many will also offer an uptime guarantee. The reality is an e-commerce platform cannot afford to be down for a long time.

Optimal speeds on the e-commerce site are also critical for search engine optimization. Indeed page speed is one of the ranking factors for Google. The search engine notes how long the page text will load after a user clicks on the SERP result. If the speeds are low, it will impact your rankings on the search engines.

  1. Better Data Security with Cloud Technology

Cloud hosting service providers give a lot of attention to security. Reports show top cloud tech companies spent over $2 trillion in cybersecurity in 2021. Popular hosting providers, Apple, Microsoft, Google and Amazon were on the list. The colossal spend was due to a rise in ransom and cybercrime attacks.

That should come as good news for eCommerce companies. The amount of sensitive data they collect and handle is quite significant. The ramifications of a data breach can be disastrous for the business.

There is the loss of reputation, which would be hard to recover from. There may also be financial implications if a customer decides to sue.

Furthermore, regulatory compliance issues mean the hosting providers must invest in security. That is, if they want to get business from eCommerce owners who must abide by regulatory laws. These include GDPR, HITECH, and HIPAA to name a few.

Final Thoughts

Cloud technology has a huge role in eCommerce. We have shared some examples of how and the benefits to the business. The most significant advantages include better security, scalability, and business performance. There is also better streamlining of customer services with Cloud call center omni-channel solutions. 

 Read also : pcnok

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