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Questionable Liability and Damages

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Most people ignorantly believe that a personal injury claim is a one way ticket to instant riches. What the Media doesn’t tell you is that injury claims are hard to prove.

For every successful high profile injury claim, there are countless other Claimants who recover negligible amounts or none at all. Why? Because personal injury claims are typically hard to prove. Fortunately, you can hire Bakersfield car accident lawyer

to help you prove questionable liability or questionable damages.

What Makes Personal Injury Claims Hard to Prove?

Research shows that personal injury cases are negatively impacted by two factors, making them hard to prove and settle. Those factors are questionable liability and questionable damages.

Questionable Liability

Questionable Liability arises when liability or fault of the defendant is contested. In other words, questionable liability can occur if the defendant has sufficient prove that they were not responsible for the loss of the plaintiff. 

Questionable liability commonly arises in Slip and falls claims because the plaintiff is required to demonstrate that the defendant was aware of the risks of their actions but failed to take the necessary measures to avoid injuring the plaintiff. Such cases are hard to prove because defendants refuse to cooperate or they’re never forthcoming with information. For instance, a defendant may withhold crucial information pertinent to the incident report or fail to reveal names of key witnesses.

Questionable Damages

Questionable damages arise when the plaintiff’s loss is difficult to prove. If you think that your damages are questionable, then you better make sure your liability is not questionable. For instance, questionable damages may arise when you have a pre-existing condition that might make proving your case hard, even when liability is not questionable.

In a car accident, questionable damages may arise when the defense doctor claims that surgery wasn’t necessary, or your injury isn’t related to the incident, or both. If you underwent a major surgery, you must prove causation by demonstrating that the accident was the cause of your injury or loss—which is typically hard to do.

What You Should Do

In Bakersfield, most personal injury cases are hard to prove. Unfortunately, the victims end up losing compensation. To be on the safe side, you should hire a skilled car accident attorney who can properly review your case and has handled such cases previously. Always remember that not all lawyers are cut for the job.

It’s advisable to consult a car accident attorney if you think that your case is hard to prove. A good lawyer will evaluate the facts of the accident, applying the law, and thereby, increase the chance of a favorable verdict. Most personal injury lawyers offer free initial consultations to help prospective clients know whether their claims are worth pursuing. Additionally, they work on a contingency basis, so you should not worry about money. 

.Traits of a Skilled Car Accident Attorney 

You need a skilled, reliable, and experienced attorney to handle your case. Although there are thousands of practicing attorneys in the US, not all can handle car accident claims. The following are the top qualities of reliable car accident attorneys:

1. Good Client Feedback

A good lawyer should have good reviews from former clients. The feedback may be in form of 

  • Testimonials, 
  • Online reviews, 
  • Word-of-mouth or
  • Recommendations. 

The feedback or reviews should only come from people who have hired the prospective attorney previously..

2. Being Compassionate 

Reliable attorneys are compassionate and have a passion for helping their clients seek and get justice. Being Compassionate means that the lawyer can empathize with your situation and do all they can to help you.

3. Legal Knowledge 

Your lawyer should have the necessary qualifications and experience in handling car accident claims. In other words, they should know the ins and outs of the law to help them navigate the legal process for the benefit of the client.

A reliable attorney should possess the right skills to build a strong car accident case and negotiate with the insurance company of the defendant. The right skills ensure the client gets the best possible settlement.

4. Availability to Handle Your Case

Although lawyers have busy work schedules, their clients expect them to make time for their case; that’s why they hire them! Experienced car accident attorneys know how to balance their schedules, meaning they are  available when their clients need them.

5. High Success Rates

Research shows that lawyers who have high success rates are likely to represent their clients successfully. A good success rate means that the prospective attorney has a proven track record of winning cases for their clients. Such attorneys know how to navigate the complicated legal maze and negotiate with insurance companies for their clients’ benefits.

Most car accident claims are unsuccessful because of questionable liability and damages. If you think that your case is questionable, it’s the high time to consult a car accident attorney.

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