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Are you trying to determine if Oaxial speaker cable is worth the extra cost? If so, you’re in the right place. In this article we’ll be breaking down the pros and cons of Oaxial speaker cable, as well as looking at how it compares to traditional audio cables. By the end, you should have a better understanding of whether or not Oaxial speaker cable is worth the extra money. So, let’s get started!


If you’ve ever shopped for speaker wire, you’ve probably noticed that there is a wide range of prices. At the low end, you can find speaker wire for a few dollars per foot. But at the high end, you can find Oaxial speaker cable for $100 or more per foot. So, what’s the difference? Is Oaxial speaker cable worth the extra cost?

In a word, yes. Oaxial speaker cable is worth the extra cost because it offers superior performance. Here’s a closer look at the benefits of Oaxial speaker cable:

1. Lower Resistance

Oaxial cable has lower resistance than other types of speaker wire, which means it’s better able to carry the electrical signal from your amplifier to your speakers. This results in clearer sound and less distortion.

2. Better Shielding

Oaxial cable has a braided shield around the inner conductor, which helps to prevent interference from electromagnetic and radio frequency signals. This interference can cause noise in your audio system, so better shielding means better sound quality.

3. More Durable

Oaxial cable is also more durable than other types of speaker wire, so it’s less likely to be damaged by being pulled through tight spaces or pinched by heavy furniture. This means it will last longer and provide better performance over time.

What is an Oaxial Speaker Cable?

An oaxial speaker cable is a type of audio cable that uses a single, insulated wire for both the inner and outer conductor. This design provides better electrical performance than traditional speaker cables, which use two separate wires for the inner and outer conductor. Oaxial speaker cables are also less susceptible to electromagnetic interference (EMI), making them ideal for use in high-end audio systems.

While oaxial speaker cables typically cost more than traditional speaker cables, they can provide better sound quality and greater durability. If you’re looking for the best possible sound quality from your audio system, oaxial speaker cables are worth the extra cost.

How Does an Oaxial Speaker Cable Compare to Regular Wire?

If you’re looking to improve your home audio setup, you may be wondering if oaxial speaker cable is worth the extra cost. In short, yes! Oaxial speaker cable offers several advantages over regular wire, including better sound quality and less interference.

Here’s a more detailed look at how oaxial speaker cable compares to regular wire:

Sound Quality: Oaxial speaker cable is designed to minimize signal loss, resulting in clearer and more accurate sound reproduction.

Regular wire, on the other hand, can cause sound degradation due to electrical resistance and impedance mismatches.

Interference: Oaxial speaker cable is shielded to protect against electromagnetic and radio frequency interference (EMI/RFI). This helps ensure that your audio signal remains clear and free of noise.

Regular wire is not shielded, meaning it’s more susceptible to interference from external sources like power lines or household appliances.

Cost: Oaxial speaker cable typically costs more than regular wire because of the higher quality materials used in its construction. However, the improved sound quality and reduced interference make oaxial speaker cable well worth the investment.

Are there any Other Benefits to Using Oaxial Speaker Cable?

Yes, there are other benefits to using Oaxial speaker cable over standard speaker cable. One benefit is that Oaxial cable is less likely to experience crosstalk. Crosstalk is when the signal from one wire bleeds into another wire, causing interference. This can happen with standard speaker cables if they are not properly shielded. Oaxial cables are better shielded against crosstalk, so you can expect a clearer sound quality.

Another benefit of using Oaxial cable is that it has a higher bandwidth than standard speaker cable. This means that it can carry more information without losing any quality. This is important if you are using high-end audio equipment that requires a lot of data to be transferred without any loss in quality.


Oaxial speaker cables are an excellent choice for audiophiles who want the best sound quality and performance from their system. They provide superior signal transfer compared to regular speaker cables, while also being more durable and reliable.

While they might be a bit more expensive than their traditional counterparts, the extra cost is well worth it in terms of sound quality and longevity. So, if you’re looking for a premium audio setup, then Oaxial should definitely be your top choice!

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