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It has become common for people in big cities to see people using electric scooters. Electric Scooters for Adults are easy to use and, in many cases, faster than at peak times. You can get from A to B much more efficiently with an e-scooter.

However, like all modes of transportation, each has its advantages and disadvantages;

If you want to know the pros and cons of electric scooters and whether buying an Electric scooter is a good investment for you, read on to find out.

Can I travel by electric scooter?

It all depends on the range of your scooter. An electric scooter can have a range of 6 to 25 miles (10 to 40 km), so it will determine how far you can go. Many factors determine the range of an electric scooter, including:

To taste


The speed


Riding weight


The One electric scooter has a range of 40 km and can be fully charged in five hours.

According to the Electric Scooter Handbook, the average electric scooter owner rides about 4 days a week and speeds up to 7 miles a day. An electric scooter is not only more environmentally friendly because it runs on batteries rather than gasoline, but it also takes up less space than driving because you don’t have to worry about parking or parking.

If you live far enough from the city, you may want to consider using public transportation and using electric scooters as a solution to get up and down the first few miles.

How much does it cost to own an electric scooter?

Owning an electric scooter is always worth considering, even if it is much worse than a car or motorcycle. The price of an electric scooter can be divided into four parts.

Cost of charging an electric scooter;

One of the reasons that makes owning an electric scooter attractive is the cost of ownership compared to a car. WIRED estimates that the cost of operating an electric scooter is just over one percent of the cost of refuelling a car. This saves a huge amount of time. One thing to consider when looking for an electric scooter is the charging time. It takes 3-5 hours to charge an average electric scooter, and some take much longer.

Price of protective equipment;

Using the correct protective equipment will prevent serious injury. Helmets and gloves are some of the protective gear you need to buy. You might even consider elbow and knee pads for added protection.

Maintenance and replacement costs;

Although an electric scooter is cheaper than buying a car or motorcycle, it also has a long lifespan. It depends on how you treat your e-scooter and how often you use it, but the average life of an e-scooter battery is five years before the battery capacity decreases. 20% or more off. Most batteries can be replaced or rebuilt at this point. However, the costs continue to decrease as the technology improves and the market continues to grow.

Considerable maintenance costs include batteries and tires.

The real price of the scooter;

Electric scooter models range from a few hundred dollars to thousands of dollars. That’s why it’s important to do your research and find out what features it includes. Be sure to read what other electric scooter owners have to say about their models.

How long does an electric scooter last?

The average lifespan of an electric scooter depends on several factors, including:

Number of kilometres driven by the electronic scooter

Electric scooter quality

Frequency of use of the electronic scooter

How to maintain the e-scooter?

How often is the e-scooter serviced?

What are the benefits of owning an electric scooter?

There are many benefits to owning an electric scooter, which we will discuss below.

The last mile solution;

Public transport is excellent, but if you have to get off the train and walk the rest of the way, it can take a long time. Electric scooters are a great solution to the last mile problem because you can ride your electric scooter on the train and then go to work or school.

Does not take up space;

You can easily place the electric scooter under the table or attach it to a shelf. Folding electric scooters are better because they are lighter and can be ridden on stairs or on the bus.

Don’t get stuck in traffic;

If you live 12 km from your home, there is nothing worse than starting the day by car. Some of the fastest electric scooters on the market can reach speeds of up to 50 km/h. You also have the advantage of avoiding heavy traffic by riding in the bike lane.

What are the disadvantages of owning an electric scooter?

loading takes time;

Since some electric scooters need to be recharged, refuelling your car or motorbike takes longer than stopping at a gas station. Plan to recharge at the end of the day or for a few days depending on the duration of your trip.

Electric Scooter Laws;

Despite the recent demand for Electric scooters, laws regarding their use have not been fully enacted. Many cities around the world have started changing laws to allow people to use personal electric scooters on city streets, but some places are prohibited near intersections or highways, or there are ride sharing programs. electric scooters.

Weather report;

Even if your e-scooter has the appropriate IP rating, it is not a good idea to use it in extreme weather conditions as you are putting your personal safety at risk. The e-scooter is easy to take with you on public transport or take an Uber trip.

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