In the summer, it is going to be vital that you have a company that you can trust to handle your air conditioner repair. An inexperienced repairman can cost you thousands of dollars in damage and in some cases, could result in a fire. Of course, to prevent the repair from ever being needed, keeping up on your air conditioner maintenance will be important as well. So what goes into finding the best company possible for your air conditioner heating and cooling repair Plant City FL and air conditioner needs? Probably the first thing should be finding a company that has some experience and is licensed. Experience is going to give you some peace of mind in knowing that the individual who is performing the work on your system will have a level of understanding on your particular model and what needs to be handled to keep it running smoothly.
Liability insurance for this company will be important.
If something should go wrong, a licensed company that has liability coverage will handle the costs that are associated with damage that comes from a result of their work. This includes any accidents that take place during the air conditioner repair and air conditioner maintenance they are doing. If the company doesn’t have liability insurance, your home owner’s insurance may need to pay for anything that happens. Quality of work and attention to detail will need to be addressed as well. The more attention that is paid to your system, the better the overall results you will have. For example, someone who quickly comes in and does a quick scan of your unit won’t get you the same results as a company that inspects the key areas of your air condoning unit. A good idea will be to ask a company what services they will provide as part of this repair to ensure that they cover the basics including:
Removing dust and debris from the unit
Finally, look for a company that is going to respond to your urgent needs within reason. While they might not be able to come out the second your AC goes out, you will want to ensure that you aren’t going to have to wait days for their services. While some companies get busy, they will usually have slots open for urgent calls to ensure that customers have all their needs met. Remember, the key here is to choose a good company to handle your AC repair and your AC maintenance. If you aren’t sure where to begin, consider asking a friend or relative for a recommendation of a company that they know and trust.
Five Most Common Air Conditioner Repair Needs
In the high heat of summer, we rely heavily on the comfort of a cool breeze blown from an air conditioner. Repair is required as soon as anything goes wrong because the last things you want to do in the middle of July is bake or melt in a sweltering house or office building! Before you face the blistering doom of a faulty cooling system, take some time to educate yourself on the five most common problems associated with AC systems:
Low Refrigerant
Refrigerant, better known as Freon, is essential in your AC unit’s cooling process. Freon is a chemical that chills the air. The cooled heating and cooling companies Plant City FL is then circulated throughout the home. In short, if the refrigerant is low, your home won’t be cool. Most often, when your refrigerant is low it’s because Freon is leaking somewhere within the system. Adding new liquid may solve the problem for a little while, but it will eventually become low again. It’s best to locate the leak and repair it right away.
Outside Fan Is Broken
The outside fan is responsible for blowing the heat out of your home. If the fan isn’t operating properly, immediate air conditioner repair is needed. Stagnant hot air will cause the compressor to overheat and could cause permanent damage to the unit. Typically, a safety overload will trip the machine off when it gets too hot inside. However, plenty of damage can be done before the safety overload kicks into gear. If you notice that the outside fan isn’t running or that your system just isn’t operating properly, it’s a good idea to turn off the AC and call a repairman.
Outside Unit Isn’t Working
When the outside unit isn’t functioning, prepare for a major air conditioner repair. The system may not be getting enough power. It can be a simple connection problem within the unit. At best, your thermostat isn’t working properly. The thermostat may simply need a new battery, or it may need to be replaced entirely. Faulty wiring is probably one of the most dangerous possibilities. Whether the AC unit was installed by an inexperienced technician with no certification or was just installed haphazardly, faulty wiring can be a potential fire hazard. The system won’t be getting the power it needs to run properly or it will constantly trip the circuit breaker.