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“The Spanish Catholic Church is immensely rich, has not suffered the crisis and also enjoys a true tax haven, being free to pay taxes, such as IBI, works, companies, etc. 

The vast majority of the assets in their possession and their accounts are totally opaque. For Secular Europe, “this situation is illegitimate, unjust and presumably illegal, and this occurs with the complicity and consent of public powers.”

There are few concrete data on the money that the Church receives from the different public administrations destined to conserve and maintain its heritage (churches, cathedrals or other buildings it owns); 

According to the Bible, Jesus preached, “leave everything and follow me.”

But today’s church preaches something different: “Give me everything and follow me.” 

However, in 2015 a report prepared by the Caja Madrid Foundation was made public in which some data was revealed, according to which, lChurch would have received some 106 million euros, mainly from the coffers of the municipalities in concept of «heritage conservation.

While many public centers suffer from dire situations, with poor infrastructure, overcrowding, lack of resources, etc., the State subsidizes private educational centers that belong to the Church with millions of euros.

The total amount that the Church receives from the Spanish public coffers amounts to more than 3,300 million euros per year. In addition to other tax advantages, the Church does not pay VAT on its purchases, nor does it pay inheritance or donation tax, etc.

The Vatican Bank doubled its profits in 2019 

The Institute for Works of Religion (IOR), better known as the Vatican Bank, has doubled its profits in 2019 to 38 million euros, compared to 17.5 million in 2018, an increase that the financial institute attributes to operations of low-risk investment ” consistent with Catholic ethics applied to the management of one’s own assets.”

This is the main conclusion contained in the 2019 economic balance sheet report published this Monday by the IOR on its website.

In addition, the IOR reached deposits of 5,100 million euros as of December 31, an increase of almost 100 million compared to the previous year.

Of those 5,100 million euros, which correspond to the funds of the accounts in the Vatican Bank whose ownership is limited to Catholic institutions, members of the clergy, employees or former employees of the Vatican or diplomats accredited to the Holy See, 3,400 million are assets related to savings accounts and management of financial titles.

The police accredit payments and point to a criminal organization in the real estate plot of the Church

A report from the judicial police, incorporated into the case after being treated as a secret piece, speaks of a rain of commissions and more hitherto unknown appraisals.

The Vatican ‘mafia’ admits that it bought real estate with money for the poor 

The scandal of the purchase of luxury real estate with the money of the poor (there is talk of more than 200 million euros) in London is only the type of the iceberg of the internal power struggles in the Vatican, which includes cardinals, monsignors of the Curia and even politicians.

The latest Vatican intrigue, worthy of ‘The Godfather’: cardinals who buy palaces with alms money

  • For the first time in history, the Vatican Gendarmerie has seized documents from the Secretary of State to investigate a British investment fund fed with money from the Church
  • It is about the diversion of millions of euros from the Pence of Saint Peter, which the churches give to the Vatican for charity, to a company based in Luxembourg
  • The plot points to the powerful Cardinal Angelo Becciu and has already caused the resignation of the Pope’s security chief.

60 Sloan Ave. Chelsea Borough, London. The gleaming brick of this renovated palace in one of the city’s most expensive neighborhoods is the epicenter of a corrupt plot worthy of The Godfather, which has so far led to the resignation of the Vatican security chief, Domenico Giani, after twenty years being the shadow of three popes.

The London building, owned by the Vatican, cost 200 million euros. 200 million that came from the money of the Catholic Church for the poor.

Rain of commissions after the sale of the Parish of San Jorge to Nebrija 

Almost five million euros for an operation of 37 million. This is the figure for the commissions paid on the sale of the land that the Santísima Virgen y San Celedonio Foundation (FSVSC) has in one of the best of Madrid, on Padre Damián street, a few meters from the Santiago Bernabéu Stadium .

Its sale to , a sister company of the university of the same name and controlled by its president, Manuel Villa-Cellino , has set off all the alarms, to the point that the Anti- Corruption Prosecutor’s Office, after receiving a complaint about this operation , has referred the case to the Madrid Prosecutor’s Office to investigate the alleged existence of a real estate plot that would be plundering foundations linked to the Catholic Church.

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