Infidelity is a sensitive subject. It’s not something anyone likes to talk about or admit they’ve been a victim of. But it happens more often than we think, I myself have seen it happen with close friends or private escort girls in Dundee, and when it does, it can leave people heartbroken and betrayed.
If you are worried that your partner is cheating on you, there are things you can do to confirm your suspicions, or at least reassure yourself if they are unfounded.
Unusual cell phone activity
It’s important to investigate your partner’s cell phone activity when you’re away. When you are away, does your partner have a pattern of phone use, is he or she always on the phone, does he or she seem to use the phone in a way that strikes you as unusual? More importantly, does he make frequent calls at odd times during the day, even if he has no reason to do so (e.g., work-related calls)?
It is also important to monitor how much time your partner spends on the cell phone – is he spending more time than usual on the cell phone when he says he is not with anyone else? This could be an indication that an affair is occurring, as it would require more frequent contact between them and another person via text messages or social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter.
Decline in sex life
It is important to know that there can be many reasons why couples experience a decline in sex life or no intimate activity at all. It is best for both partners to understand this process and work to ensure that the relationship remains healthy, even if the frequency is not what it once for either party involved.
If you are not having sex with your partner, it is a sign that you are having an affair with another person or sex professional such as beautiful Queenstown escorts from Phone sex chat. If you have decreased your sexual activity on Indian phone sex, it is also a sign of infidelity. This may be due to depression and stress.
You may have a new partner and want to spend more time with them than with your spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend.