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Let us guess. 

You are a marketer or a website owner, and you are afraid of running out of content. Don’t worry. You are not the only one. 

The majority of marketers struggle to produce enough content for their social media as well as their website. 

However, we have a one-stop solution for all your problem. Since Instagram is an engaging platform, it offers you enough reasons to embed Instagram feed on HTML website

But if you are still doubtful, this blog is dedicated to you. 

In this blog, we discuss the benefits of embedding an Instagram feed on HTML website. 

But How To Embed Instagram Feed On HTML Website?

You can use any social media aggregator tool to embed Instagram Widget on HTML website. Fortunately, most of these tools are code free, so you do not have to worry about hiring an expert to manage these tools. They also provide you with the feature of customizing your widget. It means you can modify the overall look of the widget as per your desire. 

Most importantly, they support almost all the major CMS platforms and webpages created by coding languages. 

Apart from that, they also help you track the widget’s performance. 

#1 Improves The Overall Visual Appeal 

It is not a secret that Instagram is one stop destination for eye-pleasing content. Many potential businesses have started using the Instagram feed on their website to leverage these. It has helped them to enhance the overall look of their website. 

#2 Increase The Dwell Time Of Website 

Social media is designed to seem relatable and engaging to the users. As a result, when your customers interact with your Instagram, it helps them to relate to your customers even more. As a result, they browse your website even more, eventually increasing the dwell time of your website. For a better user experience, you can also customize the overall look of the widget. 

#3 Increase Conversion Rate With Social Proof 

Before social media, asking friends and family for product suggestions was common. However, looking for product suggestions online has become increasingly common since social media became relevant. It is because we have always placed more trust in the opinions of our friends and other consumers than in glitzy product brochures or brand commercials.

Asking your customers to share feedback with a custom hashtag or to mention your account is a terrific way to generate authentic content for your social media wall.

Displaying customer reviews on your website, especially good ones, will significantly enhance conversion rates if your consumers share their opinions about your brand.

#4 Increases The User Engagement

A bland website with no social media feed does not seem as welcoming. Your existing or target customers might not be interested in conversing with you. As a brand owner, you must be aware that to last in the industry, you must have a never-ending conversation with your customers. 

The presence of an Instagram feed stimulates the conversation between you and your customers. Therefore having an Instagram feed on website is a smart move for your business. 

#5 Increases Your Social Media Follower 

Most marketers have admitted that increasing social media following is one of their basic hurdles. The amount of traffic to your social media accounts and the number of fans and followers you have will increase if you display engaging and entertaining content from your Instagram account on your website. 

Only a small portion of the individuals that visit your websites come from other sources and follow you on social media. The best way to showcase all of your information in one place and entice your audience to follow your updates in the future is with a social wall.

#6 Time And Money Saver 

It is a sheer fact that You can promote your goods or services via an Instagram feed without spending too much money on advertising. You can compile user-generated content. You won’t have to spend much money or time on this because the users already create it. 

However, it is strongly advised to get the creators’ approval before reposting their work. Any other situation could result in copyright infringement.

When you showcase such content, it gives the creators recognition. 

Seeing this, all the other users will be inspired to produce content for your brand once you start showcasing user-generated material on your social media wall.

Wrapping Up 

Your website should be simple to use and easy for visitors to learn more about your product. Not only will an Instagram feed keep your website visitors entertained, but it will also help you develop credibility and authority in your field.

So stop searching for further justifications. This is your sign to incorporate an Instagram feed onto your website.

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