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One of the errors that are prevalent in our society today are the stories of women that toiled with their husbands, but when the time to reap the fruit of their labor, they allow other women to enter and push them away by snatching their husbands. In most cases, Meetme such women are the ones that divorced their husbands because they felt that their husbands betrayed them by cheating on them.

If you are a married woman

this post is for you and the essence is to warn you not to take an irrational action of leaving your husband as a result of what you thought to be a betrayal by him. Reason has been that most of the women that divorced and left their husbands over the issue of infidelity later found out that some of the issues they accused their husbands of doing was false.

One woman recently was devastated

heartbroken when she found out the truth about the real cause of her marriage failure. The woman found out that her best friend masterminded her marriage failure because it was the same friend of hers who encouraged and persuaded Dating.com her to divorce and leave her husband that is currently married to her ex-husband. What do you call that situation if not husband snatching?

That is to say, her marriage did not just fail

but another woman snatched her husband from her. So before you jump into conclusion and take irrational action of leaving your husband because you. Suspected him to be having extramarital affairs with other women you should think twice. In fact, even if you caught him red handed having affairs with another woman. I suggest that you should investigate properly what caused or led to your husband’s action.

In your investigation, try to find out and confirm that the following are not involved:

First, some men are under the control of some strange women because such strange women had used charms on them. You should realize that a love potion or charm may have been used on your husband. Also, your husband may be under a powerful spell that he is not RussianBrides.com review in control of his actions. Another woman is manipulating his actions.

Secondly, another woman may have drugged your husband before having an affair with him. That is to say, your husband may not have genuinely cheated on you. But was seduced and drugged by another woman. So to divorce your husband under such circumstances, you will end up. Being a loser as another woman will take over your husband.

To this end

the first thing I counsel you to do is to resolve within yourself that you will at all cost never allow another woman to snatch your husband from you. For that reason, there are situations that call for drastic action and you may need to go extra miles as well as paying the prize to help your husband break off from the hands of the strange woman that had held him captive.

So before you allow things to get out of hand, you should be very conscious of the behavioral pattern of your husband. For instance, when your husband suddenly starts to come home late and as well as stops eating your food at home, know that he may have started patronizing a strange woman.

Again when suddenly your husband stops or no longer desires to have fun with you on a regular basis as before, though he is not sick, you should be concerned because a strange woman may be satisfying him sexually. This is not the time to start a physical fight but is a time you need prayer and counseling of what to do.

For instance, I have this message by Pastor E.A. Adeboye and in that message, Pastor Adeboye shared a testimony about one woman, a member of his church who came to him with a problem. The problem was that her husband suddenly left her with three children and went to live with a woman with four kids and these four kids are from different men.

Pastor Adeboye suspected

That the man’s action was not ordinary and prayed a prayer that GOD should put a quarrel between the man and the strange woman, a quarrel that will be irreconcilable. That evening, a quarrel ensued between the man and the woman and at the end, the man collected his belongings from the woman’s house and came back to his wife and children. According to the man, he did not know what came over him that influenced his action with the strange women. So my dear, don’t allow another woman to snatch your husband from you.Shalom.

HI, I Am Vincent, and peers call me Vinco. Today people have come to know and call me by the name ‘Princevinco’, a username I used some time ago in a forum.

Princevinco is a Chartered

Accountant by profession but ventured into blogging to be sharing articles GOD is inspiring me to write on the net. Primarily i write articles on marriage and relationship and it is my heart desire to be a blessing to you through my articles.

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