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Home maintenance may seem like a laborious and difficult task but the results are always rewarding. With consistent cleaning, you can save a lot of money in the long run. If you ignore looking after your home, you would need to get expensive repairs when the issue goes out of hand.

It can be hard to balance housework with other aspects of life, especially as a first-time homeowner. 

Here are some simple chores you can do to maintain your home in a good condition. 

Inspect Drains 

You need regular checkups on the washbasin and sink to get rid of any accumulated debris. If the drain is clogged, you can quickly do a simple home remedy of mixing equal amounts of baking soda and vinegar in a cup. Then pour the solution into the drain and wait for it to produce bubbles. Wait for some time then pour boiling water to further clean the drain.

When you can’t unclog it then call for a professional drain cleaning service. They use specialized tools that blast water down the pipes and clear it out efficiently.

Clean Washrooms

In your washrooms, make sure to remove the mineral deposits on your shower heads and bathroom taps as part of cleaning. This way, you can avoid rust formation in the future. 

If you have guest toilets that are not in use then run water in them to avoid any dirt buildup. Maintaining the washrooms will make them go a long way. 

Water the Inverter Batteries 

As part of your home maintenance, re-fill the batteries with distilled water in the inverter batteries. You can easily find distilled water in pharmacies and supermarkets.

It will help increase the shelf life of batteries and improve efficiency. 


You must also clean the plants in your garden regularly. Start with plucking weeds and removing debris from plants and pots. 

Make sure to inspect the plants for bugs and insects. You can also make a simple home insecticide solution by mixing one and a half teaspoons of mild liquid soap with a liter of water. Spray the solution on the affected areas of the plant.

Clean the AC filter 

Among your annual cleaning home tasks should be to clean the air conditioning filter. It is important to maintain AC so that it runs efficiently. 

You can simply clean the filter under running water and reuse it for more cooling. But you can skip this step if your AC is compatible with an auto-cleaning mode. 

Repaint Your Home 

Check the exterior of your house for paint chipping. It’s best to touch up the exterior of your home at least once a year. You can either repaint the walls by yourself or hire a professional.

Make sure to avoid repainting during the monsoon season as the rain can damage wet paint. 

Dust Your Entire House 

One of the most important tasks of home maintenance is to dust your entire house. You should try to do this at least once every three months. Make sure to clean the edges and other places which might get ruined by excess water.

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