Ever wonder if the licence plate number on your car might not be real? Are you at risk of falling for a bogus license plate scam? A number plate scam that gave bogus registrations to numerous drivers was discovered by the BBC earlier in 2018 during a separate investigation. Research revealed that numerous DVLA-registered businesses are aggressively marketing private licence plates without carrying out the required verification procedures. Therefore, while making a private purchase, it is crucial to have a DVLA-registered number plate. If you need something with which you can attach your number plates to your car, then try getting 6mm number plate pads.
There may be up to 10,000 automobiles with cloned licence plates on UK roads, according to police estimates, making the act of number plate cloning identity theft. When applying for a new licence plate, vehicle owners should be requested to verify their identity and should be able to do so by producing identification that shows their name and address. Buyers are free to drive their cars around with licence plates that, when questioned, reveal the name of someone else totally if these checks aren’t carried out.
How Can You Tell if It Is Road Legal?
Most of us make an effort to make sure a car is mechanically sound and has a current MOT before we buy it. However, you might not think to look to see if the licence plate is legitimate. Or, if you’re considering purchasing new licence plates, you must make sure they adhere to DVLA regulations. After all, anyone caught using an unlawful licence plate risked having it taken away without compensation. Or you risk receiving a punishment of up to £1,000 if your licences plates are not legible. What are these regulations, though, and what should you watch out for?
As you shop for a car or check your licence plate, keep the following key points in mind.
Missing Components
Your licence plate needs specific components to be road legal. It must, at the very least, be registered and display the supplier’s name and postcode, as well as a BS number. And depending on how old your car is, either BSAU145d or BSAU145e should be the British Standard. A border and an extra side badge are also options for it. Your licence plate should be replaced if any of these components is missing since it isn’t lawful.
The Wrong Colours
For safety purposes, the backdrop of your licence plate must be reflective white or yellow. Therefore, the original colour or finish cannot be changed. Therefore, it is unlawful for your licence plates to have a background pattern or to be coloured. Your licence plates must be black and plain in colour, and they must adhere to similar criteria. However, if they are only one shade of black, you can still have elevated 3D Digits. Therefore, there won’t be any coloured layers or LED lights.
A Registration
The most significant component of your licence plate is, unsurprisingly, the registration. You risk receiving a £1000 fine if the number is illegible or if one or more of the digits are altered. So, look for tape that is attempting to change your letters or screws that have been placed among the numbers. Also, keep in mind that adding or eliminating gaps between the digits is a common mistake.
Illegal Number Plate Fine Measures
The DVLA now has established measures called the Illegal Number Plate Fine Measures to discourage people from using fake or illegal licence plates by fining them. The most frequent fine assessed is £100.000, although it can reach £1000 or perhaps even result in the license being fully seized.
Side Symbols & Flags
The Union Flag, for example, is frequently flown on the number plate of cars. In actuality, a lot of used cars still utilise the archaic GB Euro. These badges are in perfect condition, and you do not need to replace them. However, keep an eye out for any football crests, emoticons, or other logos, as these are all prohibited. Just to be clear, not all insignia are permitted to be visible on licence plates. This refers to just national flags, with a predetermined format of a Flag above a Text Identifier. However, there are still various varieties, some with blue or green backgrounds.
Purchase of Replacement Plates
Replacement number plates are simple to obtain; a short online search will turn up nearby vendors. We propose you utilise a local firm, because of the number plate’s tight requirements. Additionally, you can examine the plates before paying if you are present. You do want to be sure things are lawful, after all. You must first provide the supplier with your ID and the Vehicle Registration Certificate (V5C). This is necessary by law and serves as proof that you are authorised to use the registration number. Any supplier who does not request this documentation is likely dishonest.
Last Words:
In general, you should always try to get your plates from a licence plate supplier who can attest to the validity of the plates and who will need you to provide all necessary paperwork during the transaction.