Monsoon is at its full peak across the country and this season not only brings refreshing rains. But along with it some allergies, viral infections, and other seasonal diseases like dengue and malaria. There is humidity in the air which can also lead to digestion issues. Like loose motion and a slow digestive system.
Fruits can be consume in any season. And it is a good idea to send fruit baskets to friends and family. But in the monsoon, one must send fruit baskets wisely to people and choose them properly. Before sending fruits to someone one must check what the fruits. Which can increase the immunity in the body. What are the ones which are unsafe to consume during monsoons.
How to consume fruits in monsoon?
Fruits are healthy and in monsoon, one must eat them fresh and only after washing them well. It is said that fruits can carry excess bacteria in monsoon and this can lead to illness. But if they are clean well then one can consume them easily. One must stay away from fruits that are already cut and from fruit juices available at the vendors.
Which fruits in the rainy season can boost immunity?
When choosing fruits to add to the monsoon diet one must go for the seasonal ones because they can boost one’s immunity. Here are a few fruits to choose from:
They are rich in nutrients and have plenty of antioxidants. Which can prevent illness and not to mention increases immunity level. This fruit has Vitamin B and so it can help in increasing the production of red blood cells in the body and also eases blood circulation.
Litchis are rich in fiber and it is greatly beneficial for people who are suffering from indigestion and acidity problems. They have Vitamin C which can prevent the common cold. One can have them in the monsoon to treat skin problems like spots and acne.
This fruit is rich in Vitamin C and it is great when it comes to boosting immunity. They are important in diet during monsoons as having them can fill 12 percent of the daily Vitamin C requirement for a person.
Apples can be consume at any time of the year. This fruit is a rich source of Vitamins like A, B, C, and B2 along with iodine, phosphorus, calcium, and iron. They can provide nutrition to all the parts of the body.
They help in reducing gastric dysfunction during summer and monsoon. This is because they contain nutrients like folate, potassium, and iron.
Plums can strengthen one’s immunity system and can also prevent constipation problems. Also Plums are fill with dietary fibers like copper, potassium, and Vitamin C . So they are great for gut health.
They are seasonal to monsoon and filled with antioxidants. Having them can help one to reduce inflammation and fight infections as well.
In order to send fruit hampers to people, one can select fruits from the above-mentioned options. Because they are safe and beneficial to have in monsoon.