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Anxiety For Students

It is so stressful for so many families. Tell me what you’re seeing in your practice. Yeah, I completely agree Christine. I mean, I think all of us would agree. It’s been kind of a quick short summer, but it has been a long year, hasn’t it? So back to school transitions are tough for a lot of families in the best of circumstances every year. But this year, particularly with the pandemic, we are seeing really high levels of stress. OK, let’s talk about some of the triggers for kids regarding anxiety, I thought it was so interesting. You know, my youngest Kate is kind of an old soul.

I told her I was talking to you today and I said, do you have any questions for Doctor B about anxiety and she goes. Oh, I feel anxious all the time and I’m like OK wait, what stop, stop right there and but and so I was like let’s talk about it. So I’m honestly you know, diving into some of the triggers is so important. I imagine it is and you know there are two main triggers.

It is so stressful for so many families. Tell me what you’re seeing in your practice. Yeah, I completely agree Christine. I mean, I think all of us would agree. It’s been kind of a quick short summer, but it has been a long year, hasn’t it? So back to school transitions are tough for a lot of families in the best of circumstances every year. But this year, particularly with the pandemic, we are seeing really high levels of stress. OK, let’s talk about some of the triggers for kids regarding anxiety, I thought it was so interesting. You know, my youngest Kate is kind of an old soul.

I told her I was talking to you today and I said, do you have any questions for Doctor B about anxiety and she goes. Oh, I feel anxious all the time and I’m like OK wait, what stop, stop right there and but and so I was like let’s talk about it. So I’m honestly you know, diving into some of the triggers is so important. I imagine it is and you know there are two main triggers.

For anxiety, Christine that the first one has to do with safety or separation after so many months of togetherness. Yeah, there are a lot of kids right now who are worried about their academic homework and need some academic writing help uk who assist them in their studies and leaving the comfort zones of their homes.

Know what they are worried about:

 You know they’re worried if it’s safe to do this if it’s safe to be around other people, so that’s one trigger the other trigger for anxiety has to be the performance issues. So after this many months of not having a consistent routine, I think it’s natural to assume that we’re going to have some kids who may have a harder time adapting back.

But I have some kids who worry if they’ll be able to do it. Even if they did really well before this pandemic hit us, so those are the two main triggers, but just like your daughter said, let’s face it right now. There is just tension across the board, so anxieties in the ear and kids are picking up on that. Doctor B that is just heartbreaking. You know there are some kids who maybe are more particularly vulnerable to anxiety.

What are you seeing and who are who this group I should say is? Well, I think we should start off and say we’ve all gone through a year and a half of really unusual challenges. Many students in the students are wanted to buy assignment from experts to reduce their mental stress. So the truth is, any child right now could be feeling more worried or tenser. But there are some kids are kids, for example, who always had kind of an anxious temperament or anxious tendency.

Prone to worrying:

 They may be more prone to worrying, and then, you know, Christine, there are some kids who, during the pandemic and bring their quarantine and virtual schooling in some ways like a little bit of that kid who is bullied in school kids have social anxiety.

 I’d say the next thing to do is to really set the tone. You know there are a lot of parents right now who themselves are very anxious exactly, and if you lead by anxiety, you’re going to fuel anxiety. So check in with your own feelings before you talk to your child and then stay calm.

 Even keep an even tone and answer their questions in a concise, reassuring sort of way. So that’s really important to do as well. And then I would say it helped them to think positively. You know, anxiety will make us. What if the worst-case scenarios so we got a balance that out with low positive ITI. So ask them what they’re looking forward to. Write school year starting as completely wanna see it again.

Emphasized the safety measures:

Those sort of things so helping the child thing positively is really important. And then for those kids who are worried about safety, emphasized the safety measures. Yeah, let them know that schools have been planning for months on how to minimize their risk, and that’s why there are certain rules now in place. You know, anxious kids like rules, and they like plants that help them to feel more secure for the kids who are worried about being away from home practice separating and take small steps that help them to see that they can.

 Sure enough, do this and it can be more and more and more independent. And then these last two points almost sound like they’re contradictory. This train, but actually go together. You want to have a predictable routine, but you do want to encourage flexibility, right? So routine is like a safety net, right? It kind of minimizes the doubt that goes through our minds, but let’s faces it

There are no guarantees, so we may have to suddenly switch gears. Yeah, but you want to say to your child is there are adults that are monitoring that at all times. So if there is a change in circumstance, we’re going to switch gears together as a family and as a community. Absolutely, you know.

Excuse my oldest that goes to private school. She wasn’t going to be wearing a mask, but now it’s changing by the moment and I told her. I said you have got to be flexible. It’s going to be OK. You did it last year. We can do it again. And lastly, how do we know if really we should seek professional help? Yeah, it’s a really important question.

Mental health professional:

If you have a child who’s having severe meltdowns or you have a child who’s excessively clingy or you have a child who’s having a really hard time recovering from moments where he or she is feeling anxious or a child that’s hard to be beginning to school, that’s the time to seek the help of a mental health professional.

Find a good therapist who works with children with anxiety and I’ll tell you that therapist will not only help their child but he or she will help the parent to express their feelings and come up with some really good coping strategies. But I think the message you just gave her daughter is really important.

We we’ve all gone through a really difficult time, but we are already survivors. Yeah, we’re going to do this and we’re going to do it together. Absolutely doctor B. Thank you so much for your words of wisdom. We so appreciate you. Thank you so much for having me on. I really enjoyed being here. Thanks so much, Doctor. Bargain, some real calls to action there for my family meeting tonight, alright?

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